Sunday 10 March 2013

Chinese New Year 2013 (Kek Lok Si Temple)

It has become the tradition of local Penang to go to Kek Lok Si Temple during Chinese New Year. Many people coming here to pray to the Goddess of Mercy (Guan Yin Ma), so the family can stay health and wealth in the coming year. During this big celebration, this temple is decorated and surrounded by Light, and you can only see this once a year, which is only during Chinese New Year.

For those who miss this, we are here to bring some images on that night.

This image is taken from the commercial lots which locate bottom of the hill. You can see the building, even roof, they are putting light tiles by tiles. In the dark and from the light, you could clearly define the sculpture of the buildings.

There is a long traffic jam from the bottom hill to the top hill. Fortunately, we take motor to the top. For those will driving, we believe you need to queue for 2 hours. Some are parking their vehicle on the bottom, and hiking to the top even.

For those who came to Kek Lok Si before, you must still remember this sculpture of Goddess of Mercy, do you? A very high sculpture top of the hill and look like she is taking good care on the Penanglite. On the night, the hill was lighten up by light and "Teng Long".
People are taking image, praying and enjoying their family time.

These are the wishing band, that people praying for wealth, peaceful, healthy, education, family, career and  etc. Only RM 1 each, and you can write your name on it and hang on the boundary.

Wishing all visitors to our site make your dreams come true, and Happiness is always stay along. A grateful to those our client that gives us support and valuable advice on our service.

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